Intrigue Method: Finding & Selling Luxury Weddings
I'm going to let you in on one of my best-kept secrets...
Every part of the country has a luxury wedding market. Yes, even yours!
If you're asking yourself:
“How do I FIND these clients? And, once I’ve got the perfect client sitting in front of me, how do I SELL to them?”
You’re in the right place!
I have organized my strategies into an in-depth video course that will give you a look into exactly what I do, how I do it and why I do it. These techniques are my greatest secrets to success. These are the exact methods that I use to find my own luxury clients, and I am sharing them with you!
The Intrigue Method will ensure that your calendar is booked-out with your ideal clients, armed with tools and techniques you need to find your luxury clients and change your business, increasing your wedding sales by thousands of dollars.
On our journey to floral industry success, we all start out in the same place: dreaming of our ideal clients! They have grand wedding ideas, matched with budgets equally as grand. But, you don’t feel like these high-end clients exist in your market. All of that is about to change!
This TWO-PART COURSE will arm you with tools and techniques you need to find your luxury clients and change your business, increasing your wedding sales by thousands of dollars.
You'll get a detailed, in-depth look into exactly what I do, how I do it and why I do it. These techniques are my greatest secrets to success. These are the exact methods that I use to find my own luxury clients, and I am sharing them with you!
1. Finding Luxury Weddings
The Attraction: Positioning yourself in a way that draws the luxury market to your business
The Language: Before you can sell luxury you have to "speak the language" - Understanding the luxury client
The Correspondence: Creating an experience through your words.
The Leads: Analyzing and dividing leads to identify the high end clients
The Identity: Before you can find your luxury client you have to know who your client is.
The Search: Finding Your Ideal Luxury Client
2. Selling Luxury Weddings
The First Impression: Creating an impression that speaks to the luxury client
The Listen: Learning the cues that lead to the luxury designs
The Learn: Techniques for client research
The Prep: Creating the Environment
The Presentation: Making your client's jaw drop
The Dance: Learning the steps to place your words strategically
The Close: Techniques for finalizing the details and securing the contract
The Follow Up: Creating a lasting experience
This is not easy. It will take work and it will take commitment! But, I am so confident in this course that I am willing to guarantee that these strategies work. If you follow all of the steps in this course and it does not increase your sales, simply email me and I will schedule a complimentary mentoring call with you to help identify your specific challenges and give you advice on adjustments. If these custom adjustments still do not help you to increase your sales, I will refund your payments without question.