1. Finding Luxury Wedding Sales for Designers
Part 1 of the Intrigue Method.
On our journey to floral industry success, we all start out in the same place: dreaming of our ideal clients! They have grand wedding ideas, matched with budgets equally as grand. But, you don’t feel like these high-end clients exist in your market...
I'm going to let you in one on of my best kept secrets: EVERY part of the country (yup, yours included) has a luxury wedding market!
Now, the question is: how do I FIND them?
This course will arm you with tools and techniques you need to find your luxury clients and change your business, increasing your wedding sales by thousands of dollars.
I have organized my strategies into an in-depth video course that will give you a look into exactly what I do, how I do it and why I do it. These techniques are my greatest secrets to success. These are the exact methods that I use to find my own luxury clients, and I am sharing them with you!
Finding Luxury will ensure that you’re schedule is booked solid with ideal clients.
I start by discussing “The Attraction Strategy.”
We will position your design business in a way that draws the luxury weddings to you!
From there, we dive into “The Language Strategy.”
Did you know that luxury clients have their own language? We'll discuss this topic and give you the key to translating and embracing the unique luxury language.
Our next step is “The Correspondence Strategy.”
This is where the action happens. In this section, you'll how to create an experience using words. An experience that even your prospective luxury clients won't be able to resist!
Once we have positioned your business, we will break into “The Leads Strategy,”
I will teach you how to analyze leads and identify the high-end weddings hiding in your midst, allowing you to focus on the market you are dreaming of. Of course, before you can find your luxury client you have to know who your client is, which bring us to our next session...
“The Identity Strategy!"
Here, we will delve into who your client is. No who you think your client is, or who you want your client to be. Who is your client really?
Next up is "The Search Strategy,” where you will begin putting these techniques into practice to my for search, identify, and secure your luxury clients!
This course is the by-product of over 10 years of struggling, growing and over-coming the biggest pain points in the floral industry. 10 years of trail-and-error that cost me thousands of dollars and countless wasted hours away from my friends and family that is so dear to me. I have done the hard work for you! I have already written the recipe to your success. All you need to do is follow the steps. Start today and transform your business with Finding Luxury!
If you love this course, check out the follow-up course, Selling Luxury!
I am so confident in this course, and in you, that I am willing to guarantee that these strategies work! If you follow all of the steps of this course, and it does not increase your sales simply email me and I will schedule a complimentary mentoring call with you to help identify your specific challenges and give you advice on adjustments. If these custom adjustments still do not help you to increase your sales I will refund your payments without question.
This is not easy. It will take work and it will take commitment. I teach you my steps for attracting and then closing those sales. Even if you are not going after the luxury wedding market, these techniques can be applied in any market with success.